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Joanna DeMarco posted a condolence
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Mr Avolio. I am a retired teacher from PS #27. Prior to moving to Wayne I lived on Cumberland Ave. I knew your husband and Dad as a neighbor as well as a fellow employee of the Paterson Board of Education. He was a very kind, caring generous and helpful person. The world is a better place for having had him be part of it. I will always remember his kindness and friendly manner. My sincere sympathy to your family.
Joanna DeMarco
Ted & Arlene Seiz posted a condolence
Dear Angela and family,
So sorry to hear of your dad's passing. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Ted & Arlene
Tina Mongiardo (Galterio) posted a condolence
Please accept my sincere sympathy on your loss of Michele. He was a very gentle man. I will never forget how he helped my father in the garden. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time.
Mario and Giuseppina Avolio posted a condolence
Cari Filomena, Angela (e famiglia) e Michael: In questo tempo di dolore, i nostri pensieri sono con voi. Noi preghiamo per voi e per il caro Michele che riposa in pace con il Signore. Ricordate sempre i belli tempi che avevi spesi con Michele. Noi speriamo che i ricordi vi diano forza.
Con affetto: Mario e Giuseppina
Sue Fusco posted a condolence
Dear Angela,
God now has a VERY SPECIAL ANGEL at his side, I am very sorry to here about your dad's
passing. His journey is now to start in a beautiful place with no pain no suffering.So
when you are out in the night
and you see the BRIGHT STAR shinning down upon you...know its your dad, you will guide you and watch over you.May god you the inner peace and the inner strength you need to make it through. Love, Sue Fusco and family
Tina (Avolio), Stephane and Nathan Viau posted a condolence
Dear Zia Filomena, Angela (and family) and Michael,
We are very sorry we cannot be with you during this difficult time. Please know that our thoughts are with you. Zio Michele was a good and caring person. May you find peace in knowing that he is resting with God in Heaven.
Tina, Stephane and Nathan
Carla,Frank,Cory,Vanessa Maddalena posted a condolence
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Zia,Angela (family),and Michael at this time. God Bless you all and may you treasure all the beautiful memories with Zio Michele.
John Cercone posted a condolence
I am so sorry for the passing of a beloved husband, a loving caring father and a kind and generous man. Although living so far away, we did not spend much time together, but I will never forget him. God bless
Attilio Maria Cercone posted a condolence
The love of her younger brother....We wish that we could be there to help say good bye to Michele, but the distance and our health makes it too difficult. Our hearts and our Love is with Filomana daughter Liza and son Michele and the rest of the family. We love and pray for you all
Carlo Avolio posted a condolence
Although our families lived so far apart, your Dad & family never let that distance get in the way of being close together during special times. He always put the effort to come and show his love for his family in Canada. He has left a legacy and will never be forgotten or matched. God Bless during this difficult time, but know his spirit will forever be present among our family.
brunella intrieri,& family posted a condolence
we are so sorry to hear of michele passing , may he be resting in peace ...our prayers and love goes to you all,...brunella and family
The family of Michele Avolio uploaded a photo
Thursday, August 10, 2017

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Phone: (973) 790-8686
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